After a much lengthier closure than I ever imagined, I am pleased to announce the reopening of Compassionate Pet Care of the U.P. on May 3, 2021!
The reopening will include new and expanded services. While I have typically focused my care on senior and special needs care for pets, I have had many requests for other services that don't necessarily fall in those categories but that I can absolutely fulfill. Some of these services include things as simple as nail trims and medication administration all the way up to blood pressure checks, ECG readings and respite care. Anything that licensed veterinary technicians are legally allowed to do in a clinic setting, I can do in the comfort of your own home. If you are interested in a service but unsure if it is something I am able to do, don't hesitate to ask. As a reminder the law does NOT permit me to diagnose, prescribe, perform surgery or independently euthanize.
Keep watch for more information on blood pressure checks and ECG readings!
